Project outline & management plan

What are the planned steps of the project, including a rough timeline?

Step 1: preparation (roughly 4-5 weeks?)

  • literature search

  • getting to know the tools that I can use

  • make a plan about the preprocessing and the analysis

  • creating the github repository

  • pre registration

Step 2: preprocessing (roughly 3 weeks?)

  • filtering

    • which filters?

  • ICA

    • how many components?

    • what will I exclude?

Step 3: analysis (roughly 3 weeks?)

  • averaging

  • grand average

  • difference waves

    • what exactly will I compare?

Step 4: Poster, Jupyter notebook etc.

  • making the poster

  • completing the jupyter notebook


What software will be utilized for the different project steps?

  • mainly python

  • I am using VSCode for writing the scripts

What computing environment will be utilized for the different project steps?

  • Windows 10

How will the steps be documented and version controlled?

  • steps are documented in the github repository

  • as I am working alone there will not be different versions of python etc.