Data analyses

for details please download the script

general information

  • main analysis:

    • mne python

  • other packages used:

    • os

    • numpy as np

    • pandas

    • matplotlib.pyplot

    • csv

    • pickle


1. reading in the data & filtering

  • montage: standard 10 -20 system

  • 64 electrodes + misc -> misc channels excluded

  • subject names : 001 - 013

  • blocks 01 - 03

  • exclude Fp1 -> bad channel - Fp1 seemed to be locaded at a wrong position (somewhere posterior)

  • filtering data with: low freq: 1Hz, high freq: 50Hz

  • eeg reference set to “average”

  • filtered data was saved as “s{subnum}_b{block}-raw.fif”

2. ICA

  • fit ica on a copy of the data

  • ica ran with 15 components

  • ICA saved as: “s{subnum}_b{block}-ica.fif”

  • take blink templates from participant 01 block 01 (vertical and horizontal eye movements)

  • automatic detection and labeling of blink components using corrmap -> threshold 0.85

  • appyling the ica

  • data with applied ICA saved as “s{subnum}_b{block}-raw.fif” in a different folder than the filtered raw data

3. averaging

  • making epochs based on events

  • events taken into account:

    • standard

    • target

    • non target

  • other events

    • response

    • no response

  • conditions:

    • standard

    • target

    • non target

    • firt repetition after deviant

    • last repetition after deviant

  • averages made for each participant in each condition and saved into dictionaries

  • averages were turned into lists and saved using pickle

  • grand average calculated and plotted using mne.grand_average


csv excluded components


ICA components
